Date: Wed, 7 Sep 94 04:30:19 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #297 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Wed, 7 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 297 Today's Topics: (none) 9600 baud using Kenwood TM201 & TM401 Conversd v1.4A Ham-Digital Digest V94 #296 High speed protocol machine?! KAGOLD BBS#??? mobile TNC? New UK TCP/IP mailing list new version of dsk-loader for the macintosh Off the shelf modems for packet? Question: Variable Baud Rate Modems/Packet Ramsey Kits for 9600 Baud pakcet? Whats the theory on the DCD state machine? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7 Sep 94 05:59:07 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: I am looking for a place where I can find the Poor Man's Packet modem (or some similar device). I have tried to e-mail and write to the person who supposedly can sell me the kit for PMP, but I have had no response. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks! Jeff *----------------------------------------------------------------------* O Jeffrey A. Wigal "We're not the end of the O earth, but you can see O Washington State University it from the top of the O Physical Science Building" O --Go Cougars! O *---------------------------------------------------------de WY7Q------* ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 94 14:08:48 GMT From: Subject: 9600 baud using Kenwood TM201 & TM401 To: Gentlemen: You want to SHORTEN the PLL time constant. The highest frequency that can be modulated is related to 1/time-constant! Ray WD5IFS ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 03:02:58 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!udel!!demon!g7led! Subject: Conversd v1.4A To: Just uploaded into /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming as 'conversd.v1.4A.tgz' *** THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSION 1.4 *** This is a version of conversd 2.55 that with distributed with WAMPES 931001, its since been modified to include a great number of new features. Linux is the only supported OS at the moment. This is a redistribution of the standalone package, it does not specifically require the WAMPES931001 distribution to be run, it *should* work with the latest version of WAMPES just as well. To hopefully be found in /hamradio/packet/tcpip/wampes/. Many Thanks go to the WAMPES team for producing the original code. 73's De Darryl G7LED... -- Darryl Miles - - G7LED@GB7MIP.#29.GBR.EU ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 94 17:27:02 GMT From: Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #296 To: unsubscribe ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 21:00:55 GMT From:!swrinde!!utnut!nott!dgbt!! Subject: High speed protocol machine?! To: In article <> pme@it.kth.SE writes: >From: pme@it.kth.SE >Subject: High speed protocol machine?! >Date: 5 Sep 94 08:24:52 GMT >Im looking for a TNC that could handle fast data a lot better >than a TNC2. Im running 2 pair of TNC2 at ttl levels in 19200 bit/s, and I they >cant fill the "air" with data. About 10% of the channel capacity >usage. And the parameters are at optimum. No TX delays and >so on. I have heard about a TNC3 with a 68302 CPU, and >about a 8530 with DMA for ISA bus. What about them ? >Any one there running them? And where do I order ? >Havn't seen them i QST, think it may be a Germany system. >By the way I thing the 8530 card is called PI2. That's the Ottawa PI2 card. For more info, send mail (any subject/text) to: Barry VE3JF ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 18:09:36 GMT From:!usc!!gatech!!!!admii!ovation!! Subject: KAGOLD BBS#??? To: I've called the KaGold BBS # a dozen times to download a copy of their latest demo program. I get connected & all seems OK, but I never receive a login promtp, or anything else. Anyone know what gives? Thanx - Walt - K2WK -- ............................................................................. Walter Kornienko - K2WK Bldg. 350, Picatinny Arsenal, Senior Software Engineer Dover, New Jersey Decision Systems Technology Inc. 201-724-3158/4879 _____________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 1994 15:42:36 GMT From:!! Subject: mobile TNC? To: Is there any such beast as a mobile-mount 12VDC packet TNC? Hopefully something the size of a mobile mount xcvr or smaller. TinA -- Steven Jackson, Assistant to the Chair of Computer Science Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University 251 Mercer Street, NY NY 10012 Work <-- (forwarded) Home,, ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 1994 21:53:30 +0100 From:!swrinde!pipex!!warwick!!! Subject: New UK TCP/IP mailing list To: Hi folks, There is now a mailing list set up for the UK TCP/IP Networking Group (UKIP). This is a loosely-organised group set up to promote the use of TCP/IP networking protocols over radio in the UK, and to encourage the establishment of high-speed backbone links and network gateways. If you want to subscribe: Send mail to This is handled by a human rather than a listserver, so be polite :-) To post to the list: Send mail to Subscription requests and other administrative bits and bobs should go to ukip-request, _not_ to the list as this just means that lots of people read your subscription message and get cross. Have fun! I hope to see lots of interesting discussions happening very soon.. *grin* By the way, the next UKIP meeting is to be held on the 15th October in Nottingham. Details to follow.. 73 Mike -- +--- Mike Knell -- Squashed Lagomorphia on the Information Superhighway(tm) --+ | Vending machines should NEVER NEVER| SMTP thing: | | EVER eat money. - RFC1288 (Finger) | AX25 thing: G7GPA@GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU | +----------- These are my opinions, not anybody else's, so bog off. ----------+ ------------------------------ Date: 7 Sep 94 08:25:54 GMT From: Subject: new version of dsk-loader for the macintosh To: I uploaded version 1.1 of my TI-DSK loader for the apple macintosh to the info-mac archive ( and his mirrors). It can be found in /info-mac/app/dsk-loader-11.hqx. you also can ftp it from (/pub/hamradio/mac/digital), and from (/pub/ham/dsp/320C26). Here is some information: DSK_Loader 1.1 DSK_Loader is the Macintosh equivalent of the DOS program DSKL. With this program you can communicate with the DSK (DSP Starter Kit) from Texas Instruments. This program bootloads a simple communications kernel and then loads other software using this kernel. Other options are: * Fill DSK memory with a certain value. * Dump DSK memory into a textwindow, for further processing. * Execute programs on the DSK. * Graph output from the DSK. * Act as a dumb terminal to the DSK. changes since version 1.0 - fixed crash when scrolling in 32 bit memory mode. - fixed hangup of PowerBooks when downloading to the DSK. - enhanced graph window with offscreen update, grid, and background which can be selected by the user by setting misc options. - some cosmetic enhancements, better errormessages etc. - added a few more .dsk files. The DSK and thus DSK_Loader is most interesting for people who want to experiment with Digital Signal Processing at low costs. For HAM-Radio operators it is a very interesting piece of equipment, Some applications, like the KC7WW port of the W9GR filters are included. Gerrit. ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 1994 16:11:27 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!psuvax1!!!!!!! Subject: Off the shelf modems for packet? To: The pc modems that are "SoftModem Technology" are now reasonably priced IMHO, and should be reprogrammable for the modulation standards of the radio and TDD worlds. This would allow "off the shelf" hardware, but we need custom software. These modems download the DSP program from the pc. The Digicom DSI Connection and the similar Cardinal MVP144DSP. use ram program storage, not flash-eprom. --- Speaking only for myself: Bill Mays \ / WMAYS@MOTOWN.GE.COM \/ (= <-I'm a mushroom... /\ Same place, same job, / \ my mark. third company. ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 1994 18:18:12 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Question: Variable Baud Rate Modems/Packet To: I don't know how to ask this question in general terms but I l'll do my best.... I am looking for information or a source to get specific information about changing a modem or Packet Terminals baud rate to an odd baud rate (such as 2500 baud, 1600 baud, 1250 baud etc.). The real question is: Does this require hardware modification, software modification or both? I am mostly interested in packet modifications but anything relating to modems will work. I can apply the theory (I hope) for modems to packet. ANY HELP OR INFORMATION ABOUT THIS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thanks, Mike ------------------------------ Date: 7 Sep 1994 02:16:24 GMT From:!swrinde!!!bilbo! Subject: Ramsey Kits for 9600 Baud pakcet? To: Has anyone out there used the Ramsey FX line of VHF and UHF radio kits for 9600 baud paket? Ramsey advertises that these radios have a dedicated packet connector (5 pin DIN). Does this work at 9600 baud or are modifications necessary? In general, would this be a good radio for experimenting with packet? Are there any other kit manufacturers that offer similar radio kits? Thanks in advance, -Ross (still awaiting my call sign) BTW: Is there a list (available via FTP or otherwise) of public access NNTP servers? The server my college connects to by default doesn't work very well and also doesn't receive many of the newsgroups. ------------------------------ Date: 6 Sep 94 16:22:25 GMT From: Subject: Whats the theory on the DCD state machine? To: Can some one explain the theory behind the DCD state machine circuit! What is significant in the HDLC data stream that this thing keys in on? How does the circuit typically interface to a TNC. I've never seen the schematic or state diagrams, so perhaps what I am asking is obvious given those. Looking at the schematic of the PK88, it looks as if it would replace the modem chip's (AM7910) carrier detect output. Or would the circuit just gate the RX Data to the SDLC hardware? Questions, questions, questions! I don't presently have one, but I would like to understand the theory, and then add one to my PK88! Thanks! Brad WB9FIP ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #297 ******************************